Hair loss and baldness have currently become a common problem.earlier baldness start at the age of 40-45, but now at a young age hair starts falling and young people are becoming victims of baldness.

However, genetic factors are often responsible for this. But if some things are taken care of, then the problem of baldness can be overcome in time.

baldness can be prevented. Generally baldness is of two types 1 is hair moves from the root and does not return from any treatment. While in the second type, good treatment can re gain your hair.

So if the hair is flowing then meet the doctor to know what is the main reason for hair loss. here we will tell you simple tips to stop hair fall.
- Treat your hair with softness. Avoid combing wet hair.
- massage your head daily. This will nourish your hair and increase blood circulation in the head, Healthy hair will also grow by doing this.
- But as soon as you come back home, take care of hair and clean them well and put oil on them. Avoid giving excessive heat to hair.
- avoiding the use of comb It puts pressure on the root of the hair and they break down.
- If the weather outside is too cold, do not wash your hair with warm water. This is another reason for hair fall. The hair gets weakened by the heat of water. This easily breaks and falls.
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